Base URL

  • Self-hosted: http://localhost:3000 or your custom domain

  • Cloud: https://{org_identifier}


Include an API key or cloud token in the Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer <api_key_or_token>

Client Types

  • client_type: public for SPA/mobile

  • client_type: private for server

  • client_type: m2m for machine-to-machine

Use the appropriate base URL, authentication, and client type for your self-hosted or cloud environment.

/oauth/*OAuth endpoints
/oidc/*OIDC endpoints
/auth/*Auth endpoints
/clients/*Client management (x-api-key, identety:god scope)
/roles/*Role management (x-api-key, identety:god scope)
/tenants/*Tenant management for multi-tenancy (x-api-key, identety:god scope)